My Story

Golden Goodies has been in business since 2003, but I’ve been baking goodies for friends and family for as long as I can remember. My love of baking started when I was a little girl and I spent time watching and baking with my Aunt who was a fabulous baker. She always gave me my own ball of dough to make my own batch of cookies. That’s where I came up with the name for my business. I was using lots of her old (Golden) recipes and her last name was Gold. It was very special for me to have the name of the business reflect that fact. I started the business with a very good friend who encouraged me to start selling my goodies since I was always baking anyway. After 13 years of fun, working together and growing the business, we decided in 2016 that I would continue the business on my own in a slightly different direction.

People often ask about my “favorite” cookie………the answer is by far my signature cookie – rugalach, a pastry filled with raspberry and rolled in walnuts, cinnamon and sugar. That’s the original recipe that’s written on a yellowed piece of paper from many generations ago. It’s the most time consuming to make, but by far the most requested, especially by my family!

Over the years I have always enjoyed sharing my love of baking, especially with children….maybe that’s because I always enjoyed it as a child myself. People are so busy today that they often don’t take the time to make homemade cookies or bake with their kids.

I still enjoy baking every day, and I especially enjoy the happiness that it brings to people when they receive a Golden Goodies tray or package!

Baked with LOVE!
